
Monday, February 14, 2011

Tiger Spits On Green

Tiger Woods spit on the green and faces 10 years in jail for it. Maybe not really 10 years in jail. But it makes it sound like it's some horrific thing even though every redneck in America (and a lot of other people) does it. I understand probably not the best thing to do since other people still would need to play there, but still, it sounds like people go overboard over little things.

It's like everyone in all sports are crazy and insane. Like in basketball, and issues with headbands and logo's, and football and wearing pink shoes to support breast cancer. So much intolerance and dumb pointless complaints and arguments over nothing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oil Paintings Of Video Games

These are painting of places/people/whatever from video games. They are a little expensive to me, but hey, maybe you have some extra money laying around? Pretty epic.


Today is the first day I've heard of chemtrails. Was browsing on Craigslist and found posts about the "chemtrail conspiracy" and didn't feel like reading through tons of BS to find out what the "conspiracy" was. So I found it on wikipedia instead.

Now, the idea of the government spraying chemicals isn't something I would dismiss immediately as I hate the government and think they hide tons and tons of crap from everyone. However, the idea of all the governments working together on this? Doesn't sound too likely to me. But you never know. And if they are trying to fix and repair the o-zone or whatever, then they probably wouldn't be trying to hide that.
